ihjunko2020年7月1日読了時間: 1分Happiness is an inside job今日の朝、マチルダからきたメールに書いてあった言葉。大好き。この言葉。Happiness is an inside job.Happiness is an inside job. it means only I can create happiness in my life. It's my definition of happy; it's my rules on how to get there.今日もいい日でした。オシアワセサマデス
今日の朝、マチルダからきたメールに書いてあった言葉。大好き。この言葉。Happiness is an inside job.Happiness is an inside job. it means only I can create happiness in my life. It's my definition of happy; it's my rules on how to get there.今日もいい日でした。オシアワセサマデス